russian На главную Карта сайта Обратная связь Поиск

Izvestiya NTC Edinoj energeticheskoj sistemi №69, 2013


Content and abstracts
(To see the аbstracts click on the icons )

Gerasimov A. S., Smirnov A. N.
Modeling of a gas-turbine units for the analysis of electromechanical transients


Ambrosovskaya T. D., Andranovich B., Kurilkin A. I., Sorokin E. V.
Simulation of electromechanical transient processes considering the changes in the frequency of power systems with thermal power plants


Koshcheev L. A., Kutuzova N. B., Shtefka J.
On the insulated power system random frequency variations consideration


Zelenin A. S., Stefka J.
Frequency calculation method based on the Furier transform coefficients in three phase grid


Maksimenko D. M., Mashalov E. V., Neuymin V. G.
The state estimation based on optimization algorithm in RastrWin software


Asanbaev I. A.
Does reflected active power really exist in power systems?


Belyaev N. A., Egorov A. E., Korovkin N. V., Chudny V. S.
Calculation of operational power reserve in power systems


Osika L. K.
The role of the power plants of average and big capacity in the Smart Grid of Russia


Vinogradov A. Y., Gerasimov A. S., Kozlov A. V.
Application of controllable reactive power compensation devices for Smart Grid implementation in the UPS of Russia


Gazizova M. I., Smolovik S. V.
The problem of reactive power compensation UPS Ural


Gazizova M. I., Smirnova L. S., Smolovik S. V.
Equipment selections of reactive power compensation of the long transit 500 kV in UPS Ural


Gurevich М. К., Kozlova M. A., Repin A. V., Shershnev Y. A.
Estimate of thyristor’s operating conditions of valve converter with electronic commutator for overheard power transmission lines conductors de-icing


Kapitula Y. V.
Development of the cable-overhead DC transmission line protection algorithm


Balyberdin L. L.
Development of technology of an electricity transmission by HVDC in native power system. Contribution of NIIPT to the theory and practice of creation of HVDC and HVDC back-to-back (short historical sketch)


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