russian На главную Карта сайта Обратная связь Поиск

Izvestiya NTC Edinoj energeticheskoj sistemi №72, 2015


Content and abstracts
(To see the аbstracts click on the icons )

Koshcheev L. A.
The history of NIIPT – STC UPS: 1945–2015


Abakumov S. A., Brilinskiy A. S., Vagin V. P.,Vishtibeev A. V., Smolovik S. V., Shargin Y. M.
The solution of power systems development scientific and practical problems in STC of the UPS


Shlaifshtein V. A.
System studies of HVDC power transmissions and back-to-backs


Garaev U. N., Lochanin E. K., Rossovsky E. L.
Features of modeling of synchronous direct and quadrature axis machines


Berdin A. S., Bliznyuk D. I., Cherepov A. S., Kovalenko P. Y.
Instantaneous state parameters during electromechanical transients


Odintsov M. V., Frolov A. I.
Application of PTDF matrix for study the maximum current load of network elements


Andreev R. V.
Influence the electrical parts of wind turbine on its energy characteristics


Voloshin M. V., Demidov A. A., Nikishin K. A., Titaevskaya N. A.
Algorithms development for HVDC back-to-back link control from centralized load frequency control system


Abakumov S. A., Arestova A. Yu., Wishtibeev A. V., Glushenko E. A., Erantseva O. N.
The application of automation separation of power system for transient stability saving under lengthy
three-phase faults


Vladimirsky L. L., Orlova E. N., Pechalin D. S., Solomonik E. A., Timofeeva O. V., Yakovleva T. V.
Reliability control of external insulation of electrical equipment


Novikova A. N., Shmarago O. V.
Methodical and practical aspects of lightning protection at NIIPT


Lubkov A. N., Privalov I. N.
Bench testing of power cables and cable accessories in the high-voltage testing complex of JSC «NIIPT»


Balyberdin L. L.
Andrey Vladimirovich Posse as an innovator in the theory and practice of powerful valve converters
(оn the 100th anniversary of the birth).


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